Invitations to Russia for foreigners

According to the law of the Russian Federation, every foreigner is obliged to apply for a visa to enter Russia at the invitation of the Russian side.
We arrange tourist or business invitations for citizens: the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin and Central America, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, and other non-migratory countries.
- Tourist invitation is a voucher (or confirmation of the reception of a foreign citizen), which we provide for a real hotel booking through our company.The term of receiving the tourist invitation is 1-2 working days.To issue a tourist invitation you need:
- A copy of the first page of the passport of a foreign citizen;
- Filled Tourist Visa Application Form
The company "Innovations.Business.Travel." is accredited by the General Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Federal Migration Service of Russia), which allows You to issue business invitations to citizens of foreign countries to obtain a business visa to enter the Russian Federation.
- Business invitations (the purpose of the trip: negotiations, presentations, conclusion of contracts, etc.) are issued on the FMS letterhead and, depending on the length of stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, are divided into:
- Single, double visit for 3 months
- Multiple for 3 months
- Repeated for 6 or 12 months (subject to the previous one-time or double-entry visa).
We draw attention to the fact that from October 1, 2019, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will no longer issue business invitations to enter the Russian Federation on paper.
Forms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs out of circulation. Invitations will be sent strictly electronically directly to the Russian Consulate abroad.
The electronic invitation has a full and short print form.
The full printed form of the electronic invitation contains the information stipulated by clause 109 of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of a state service for processing and issuing invitations for foreign citizens and stateless persons to enter the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of September 21, 2017 No. 735 (hereinafter - Administrative regulations), and issued to the inviting party.
The brief printed form of the electronic invitation contains the same information, with the exception of the personal data of a foreign citizen in accordance with the Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”, and is sent to the email address of the inviting party. Further, it can be sent to the invited foreign citizen via the Internet.
Obtaining a visa to enter the Russian Federation at a consular office or diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation is possible only in the city specified in the electronic invitation.
Registration of electronic invitations to enter the Russian Federation allows to reduce the time for obtaining a visa and does not require sending the paper original invitation.
To issue a business invitation, you must send by e-mail :
- A copy of the first page of the passport;
- Copies of Russian business visas (if they were earlier);
- Business visa application form
The term for issuing a business invitation is up to 21 working days.
The list of countries whose citizens do not need a visa to enter Russia:
Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Venezuela, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Colombia, Cuba, Macedonia. Moldova, Nicaragua, Peru, Serbia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Uruguay, Unired Arabic Emirates, Montenegro, Chile, South Korea.
We send brief printed form of the electronic invitation to you on readiness. After a foreign citizen has received an invitation he needs to apply to the consular office specified in the application form. Depending on the type of visa, the list of documents required for submission, as well as the timing of the application can be changed.